High Accuracy, Low Volume and Weight, Fiber Optic Gyro Airbone Inertial Navigation System family.
The ARGO 4000 is Civitanavi Systems latest dual use, ITAR free Inertial Navigation System for fixed and rotary wing aircrafts. The full accuracy INS, weighing a mere 3.5Kgs, is the world’s lightest, smallest and lowest power consuming Inertial Navigation System available in the market today.
The ARGO 4000 INS mets the very demanding and precise navigation capability required by airborne applications combined with ETSO certification for use in all civil certified aircrafts where effective navigation is required.
The ARGO 4000, due to the very flexible truly solid-state Fiber Optic Gyro technology and an innovative architecture that further reduces total components count, provides increased reliability and a significant improvement of maintainability over equivalent Ring Laser Gyro based product.
The ARGO 4000 family of products are also available in a range of accuracies from a basic Gyrocompass AHRS capability scaled up to a full accuracy 0.8nm/hour navigation system for retrofit and new build programs. The dual use, non-ITAR classification is fundamental in reducing delivery lead times for dual-use aircraft programs around the world.