
Control and Risk, Related Parties and Sustainability Committee

2024- 2026
On April 24th 2024, the Board of Directors appointed the Audit and Risk Committee. The Committee consists of three independent directors.

Laura Guazzoni

Committee Chairman

Maria Serena Chiucchi

Committee Member

Valerio Nalini

Committee Member

The Control and Risk Committee is a body with advisory and proposing functions which is responsible for supporting the Board’s evaluations and decisions relating to the internal control and risk management system, as well as those relating to periodic financial and non-financial approval.

2021- 2023
On October 13th, on December 21st 2021 the Board of Directors appointed the Audit and Risk Committee. On 27th June 2023 it was also appointed for sustainability matter. The Committee consists of three independent directors.

Laura Guazzoni

Committee Chairman

Maria Serena Chiucchi

Committee Member

Tullio Rozzi

Committee Member

The Control and Risk Committee is a body with advisory and proposing functions which is responsible for supporting the Board’s evaluations and decisions relating to the internal control and risk management system, as well as those relating to periodic financial and non-financial approval.

Remuneration and Appointments Committee

2024- 2026
On April 24th 2024 the Compensation and Nominating Committee consisting of three independent directors:

Laura Guazzoni

Committee Chairman

Maria Serena Chiucchi

Committee Member

Valerio Nalini

Committee Member

The Remuneration and Appointments Committee is an advisory and proposing body with the main task of formulating proposals to the Board of Directors (i) for the definition of the policy for the remuneration of Directors and executives with strategic responsibilities and (ii) on the subject of appointments.

2021- 2023
On October 13th and December 21st 2021, the Compensation and Nominating Committee consisting of three independent directors:

Laura Guazzoni

Committee Chairman

Maria Serena Chiucchi

Committee Member

Tullio Rozzi

Committee Member

The Remuneration and Appointments Committee is an advisory and proposing body with the main task of formulating proposals to the Board of Directors (i) for the definition of the policy for the remuneration of Directors and executives with strategic responsibilities and (ii) on the subject of appointments.
