
Corporate Governance is the set of legal and technical rules aimed at ensuring the protection of the many stakeholders of Civitanavi Systems, becoming an essential tool to ensure effective and reliable management of the activities carried out within the company, with the aim of creating value for all shareholders involved.


Loyalty, integrity, innovation and teamwork are the underlining values that inspire the management and the system of Corporate Governance of Civitanavi Systems, built in accordance with the recommendations of the Code of Corporate Governance adopted by the Corporate Governance Committee and the regulatory provisions governing Italian listed companies, as well as, international best practices.  


The governance model is made up of a Board of Directors, which is responsible for carrying out the necessary activities in line with the strategic objectives set, and a Board of Statutory Auditors, which performs the role of supervising, in compliance with the law and the deed of incorporation, the correct administration. The Board of Directors has appointed a Control and Risk Committee and an Appointments and Remuneration Committee, which in turn have the task of making proposals and providing advice to all the directors.
