Statuatory auditors

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2024 – 2026
Appointed to carry out the supervisory functions of Civitanavi Systems, the Board of Statutory Auditors checks that the activities of the directors and the management of the company are carried out in compliance with the law, as provided for by Italian law. Appointed as of the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 24, 2024, the Board of Statutory Auditors of Civitanavi Systems consists of three standing auditors and two alternate auditors and will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements as of December 31st, 2026.

Stefania Barsalini

Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Cesare Tomassetti

Standing Auditor

Eleonora Mori

Standing Auditor

Roberto Lugano

Alternate Auditor

Daniela Angeloni

Alternate Auditor
2021 – 2023

Appointed to carry out the supervisory functions of Civitanavi Systems, the Board of Statutory Auditors checks that the activities of the directors and the management of the company are carried out in compliance with the law, as provided for by Italian law. Appointed as of the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting of October 7, 2021, the Board of Statutory Auditors of Civitanavi Systems consists of three standing auditors and two alternate auditors and will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements as of December 31st, 2023.

Marco Donadio

Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Cesare Tomassetti

Standing Auditor

Eleonora Mori

Standing Auditor

Giuseppe Mogliani

Alternate Auditor

Daniela Angeloni

Alternate Auditor

Stefania Barsalini

Born in Milano (MI) in 1972, Stefania Barsalini graduated in Business Administration from the University L. Bocconi in 1996. Since 2000, she has gained significant experience in the field of tax, economic and business consultancy and she has been working as an Auditor and Chartered Accountant. In addition, she is a consultant in the field of taxation and internal auditing, particularly about corporate taxation and M&A transactions. Her publications concern, predominantly, the taxation of financial and insurance product and the international reporting related to Common Reporting Standard, DAC 6 and DAC 8. She is currently Member of the Board of Directors in insurance company and Sole Auditor and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of financial, industrial and commercial companies.

Cesare Tomassetti

Standing Auditor

Born in Civitanova Marche (MC) in 1968, Cesare Tomassetti graduated in Economics in 1991 and widened his management skills in the high-tech field obtaining a Master’s degree in Technology and Management. As a Registered Chartered Accountant and Legal Auditor, he developed a broad experience in corporate and tax consulting, gaining a significant experience in the field of international taxation, Transfer Pricing and OECD documentation (Master File and Local File). He held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gas Marca Srl, a company in the utilities sector with over 17,000 users and a market share of over 90% in its territory. He is a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of several industrial, commercial and private healthcare companies. As an Adjunct Professor, he held courses in “Business Organization”, “Economics and Business Management” and “Economics and innovation strategies” at the Universities of Macerata and at the Polytechnic University of Marche.

Eleonora Mori

Standing Auditor
Born in Osimo (AN) in 1978, Eleonora Mori graduated in Economics from the Università Politecnica delle Marche. As a registered Chartered Accountant and Legal Auditor Eleonora developed a broad experience in statutory audit and in supervisory activities, she collaborates with firm of auditors and she holds positions of Legal Auditor and Statutory Auditor as much in non-profit entity as in corporations, like the Gel S.p.A. listed in AIM Italia. She’s specialized in Corporate & Business, and tax sector, she operates as consultant in European tax concessions and indirect financing and as audit certifier in European direct financing projects.

Daniela Angeloni

Alternate Auditor

Born in Loreto (AN) in 1971, Daniela Angeloni graduated in Business Administration from the University of Ancona in 2003.  Since 2007, she has been enrolled in the list of auditors of local authorities held by the Ministry of the Interior. In the same year, she held the position of Auditor at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, as well as being a Chartered Accountant registered with the Association of Chartered Accountants of Macerata and Camerino. From 2012 to 2016 she held the position of auditor in several joint-stock and limited liability companies. She is also a business consultant for private companies, providing tax assistance and financial reporting.

Marco Donadio

Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Born in Macerata (MC) in 1973, Marco Donadio graduated in Business Economics from the University of Ancona in 1997 and in Law from the University of Macerata in 2003. Since 2001, he has gained significant experience in the field of tax, economic and business consultancy and, since 2002, he has been working as an Auditor and Chartered Accountant. In addition, he is a consultant in the field of taxation and internal auditing, particularly about due diligence activities related to M&A transactions. He is currently Sole Auditor and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of medium and large industrial and commercial companies.

Giuseppe Mogliani

Alternate Auditor

Born in Civitanova Marche (MC) in 1985, Giuseppe Mogliani first obtained a three-year degree in in Economics and Business Administration, completing his academic career with a master’s degree in Economics and Management. He has been registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountant at the National Register of Legal Auditors. Over the years he has gained significant experience in the field of corporate consultancy and tax assistance (in particular in the field of VAT) and external audits, with particular reference to due diligence activities for M&A operations.He is currently Effective Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of medium-sized industrial enterprises
